Cloud Services
‘The Cloud.’ Two words, commonly used – and commonly misunderstood. What is the cloud? Can it be of benefit to your business? How? We can help answer all these questions. As widely touted as the benefits of cloud computing are, many business owners still have only a very vague understanding of the core concepts coupled with an inherent mistrust of the security implications of moving data and services off-premises. We help our clients understand the benefits and the risks involved in cloud computing and, most importantly, help them decide whether or not a cloud solution is in their best interests and how to best implement a secure and cost-effective cloud strategy.
We can help you determine:
- What your company needs.
- The nature, scope and limitations of the service your company is buying.
- What kind of data your company will be sending to the cloud.
- What laws and regulations apply.
- Who owns the data and what rights in it that the cloud provider reserves to itself.
- Whether – or not – your company can count on the cloud provider.
- What will happen if the vendor does not meet its obligations.
- What will happen at contract expiration or termination.
- Whether your vendor will be solvent and able to respond to its indemnity obligations.
- What your company will do if your vendor defaults or goes bankrupt.
Cloud technology is expanding rapidly and dynamically, and can represent a great opportunity for both increased business agility and substantial savings in terms of reducing your capital costs on equipment, but as with all emerging technologies, the rules are evolving and changing almost daily. Let us help design implement a successful cloud policy for your business.