IT Consulting
Few business owners would consider trying to launch a company without a business plan. Surprisingly, very few businesses ever consider the importance of an IT Strategy Plan. The results of not doing so are usually the purchase of equipment that is partly or wholly unsuitable for its intended purpose and wasted money, time and resources. ‘The right tool for the job’ is a maxim that applies to all facets of all businesses, and it’s no different with your IT equipment. We will sit down with clients and discuss at length the client’s business aims and determine the appropriate hardware, software and infrastructure devices paying particular attention to the client’s budgetary constraints. We will help establish purchase policy, help with licensing requirements.
As important as an initial plan is, technology moves so quickly these days that nothing can be cast in stone. Your business IT strategy must be flexible, adaptable and scalable to meet changing needs. We can also help establish IT Security Policies and Acceptable Use Policies by pointing out possible vulnerabilities.